Welcome to RoboticEVA!

RoboticEVA Security Information

Dear Valued Customer,

At RoboticEVA, we prioritize the security of your account by employing a robust authentication process. When you access your account, we utilize a secure and convenient passwordless authentication method. This means you can log in without the need for a traditional password.

Additionally, for those who want to further fortify their account, we provide the option to enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary verification step after clicking the magic link sent to your email.

By offering both passwordless authentication and 2FA, we aim to provide you with flexible yet robust security options to safeguard your account.

We highly recommend enabling 2FA to add an extra layer of protection to your RoboticEVA account, safeguarding it against unauthorized access and potential security threats.

If you have any questions or need assistance with enabling 2FA, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected].

Owner, RoboticEVA

Thank you for choosing RoboticEVA!

How our 2FA Works:

  1. Before Sending the Magic Link: Implementing 2FA before sending the magic link ensures that the user requesting access is authenticated through multiple factors before even receiving the link. This helps prevent unauthorized access to the magic link itself.

  2. After Receiving the Magic Link: Once you receive the magic link and click on it, you'll typically gain access to your account without needing to enter a password. However, having an additional 2FA step after clicking the magic link further verifies your identity. This ensures that even if the link were intercepted or accessed by someone else, they would still need to pass the second authentication step to gain entry.

Advanced Information:

  • Our secure magic link can only be accessed by the same user who requested it, ensuring that it cannot be used by unauthorized individuals.

  • The magic link expires after a maximum of 15 minutes to prevent misuse.

  • Each magic link is randomly generated, adding an extra layer of security.

  • We have implemented rate limiting and a blacklist to protect our users from spam and unauthorized access attempts.

  • We have additional undisclosed security measures in place to further safeguard your account. These measures are part of our proprietary "magic sauce" and are designed to provide you with the highest level of security.

Managing Devices:

Alongside our robust authentication methods, we offer a device management feature that allows you to monitor and control the devices logged into your RoboticEVA account. This feature empowers you to:

  • View a list of devices currently logged into your account.
  • Identify any unrecognized or suspicious devices.
  • Take action, such as logging out any unauthorized devices, to maintain the security of your account.

Regularly reviewing and managing your logged-in devices ensures that only trusted devices have access to your account, enhancing its security and protecting your personal information.

If you have any questions or need assistance with managing your devices, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected].

Unrequested Emails or Suspicious Activity:

At RoboticEVA, your security and satisfaction are our top priorities. If you ever receive emails from us that you didn't request or if you notice any suspicious activity on your account, we're here to help.

Our dedicated support team will investigate the issue promptly and, if necessary, add your email address to our blacklist. By doing so, we'll ensure that you no longer receive any unsolicited or potentially harmful emails from our system.

For your peace of mind, we offer the option to change your username if you suspect that your account may have been compromised or if you wish to update your information. Simply contact our support team, and we'll assist you in changing your username promptly.

Your security is paramount to us, and we're committed to ensuring that your experience with RoboticEVA is safe and secure. If you have any concerns or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

person User Settings

Setup 2FA

If 2FA is already connected, you need to employ 2FA to disconnect it. If you encounter any issues, please contact support at [email protected].

error You haven't set up 2FA on your account yet!
check_circle You've already setup 2FA on your account!
